Sunday, February 5, 2012

VAE Gala 2012 “For the Love of Art”


I was honored once again to be the event photographer for the 2012 Gala. It is a fun filled evening with a silent auction, dinner, and a live auction. Our group, Tipping Paint Artists, was well represented this year. N Lee Ball and Allen Clapp both had pieces in the live auction. Lori White’s piece in the silent auction, won an award. Rick Bennett and I also had pieces in the silent auction. Mine actually got bid on this year!!

live auction art      VAE Gala 2012-40

The evening started off with the silent auction. I love taking candid shots during the silent auction; people are seeing old friends as well as studying the art.

VAE Gala 2012-11        VAE Gala 2012-10       VAE Gala 2012-37

VAE Gala 2012-26       VAE Gala 2012-31     VAE Gala 2012-30

Then there is the bidding…

VAE Gala 2012-12          VAE Gala 2012-25           VAE Gala 2012-39

The silent auction is divided into 3 sections, white, yellow, and red. They close 15 minutes a part to give everyone a chance to post a last bid in each section…white at 7:45 and red at 8:15. Some years this can get pretty intense.

       untitled-125      VAE Gala 2012-42

Dan Nelson is the guest artist; he paints a piece for the live auction on site.

VAE Gala 2012-29             VAE Gala 2012-43 

 VAE Gala 2012-52








It’s hard to photograph the live auction, there’s so much activity!

VAE Gala 2012-47   VAE Gala 2012-51

Here are some of my favorite shots…

auction     over

raffle        VAE Gala 2012-34    VAE Gala 2012-55

A very successful and fun evening. Thanks to everyone that made this happen!

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